Thursday, October 30, 2008

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Paul Blart: Mall Cop stars Kevin James from King of Queens as an out-of-shape mall cop named Paul Blart. There are no recognizable co-stars. A police academy drop out, Paul’s physical and mental limitations (read: obesity and metal retardation) prevent him from not only being a successful police academy cadet but also a mall cop and perhaps a fully functional member of society.

The trailer basically shows Paul struggling in the Police Academy, performing daily mall cop duties which he takes all too seriously, and eventually trying to thwart a bank robbery at his mall.

With the exception of the very end of the trailer where a small dog chases Kevin James and is eventually run over by his Segway, this comedic trailer could not force a smile out of me. Physical comedy was definitely a goal of the movie, sadly, it was never achieved. Kevin James’ character and performance can only be described as an unfunny Chris Farley on mild sedatives. I liked Chris Farley and his outlandish characters but when toned down, it simply does not work. I also liked Kevin James in King of Queens but not here.

The movie is rated PG so maybe a lot of little kids who like to watch obese idiots running around acting like a fool will find this enjoyable. My advice: stay away.

Opens: January 16, 2009
Trailer: *
Movie: *

But that's just my take, what do you guys think?

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